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Rug Cleaning Avondale, AZ

Avondale Rug Cleaning Services
5 Reasons To Choose KIWI®

30-Day clean satisfaction guarantee

39 years of rug cleaning and repairs experience

Over half a million happy customers

Green rug cleaning Solution

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KIWI Rug Cleaning Avondale Services

If you have any rugs in need of a good cleaning, KIWI Avondale Rug Cleaning Services can do the job. We’ve been washing rugs by hand since 1987 and we have experts, like Avondale Oriental rug cleaning specialists, trained in the art of cleaning all types of rugs.

We never just submerge your rug in a big tub of water, rather we carefully study the rug and decide what it will take to clean it properly, then carry out the proper cleaning by hand.

Our expert rug cleaning Avondale team consists of:

  1. A Senior Rug Expert
  2. A Master Weaver for full restorations
  3. A Fringe Surging and Binding Specialist

Avondale best Rug Cleaning Company area rug cleaning by KIWI pro

See, we take the care, cleaning and restoration of rugs very seriously. Since many rugs are works of art, their owners need to rest assured that when they put the rug into our care, they will be well cared for and restored as promised.

When you need professionally cleaned area rug cleaning services, KIWI is the company for you. Our cleaning products will make your oriental rugs cleaner. Our cleaning process and cleaning methods are the best in the industry and we can provide special cleanings for pet odor. Our other services include carpet cleaning, carpet and tile cleaning, and our carpet cleaners offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 

Call the KIWI rug cleaning services in Avondale, Arizona now!

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Our Rug Cleaning Services come with 30 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Why Take A Chance Picking A Rug Cleaning Company That Doesn’t Hand Wash Your Rugs As KIWI Does? Make Sure The Beauty Of Your Rugs Stays Intact By Calling KIWI Today. Our Rug Cleaning Services Are Trusted By Over Half A Million Customers.

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