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Commercial Green Carpet Cleaning

Commercial Green Carpet Cleaning
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Customer Since 2014
5 star rating
I have used Kiwi services for many years. I have found them to be professional, courteous, and to always complete the job in a timely fashion. I recommend them for any carpet cleaning, rug cleaning need. In addition, their warranty is very good.

Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning

Using exclusively green products, KIWI’s cleaning services are eco-friendly and non-toxic to people and the planet. Whether carpet or any other flooring, eco-friendly cleaning products ensure the air quality and safety of the surrounding environment. Due to KIWI’s adherence to eco-friendly cleaning, no downtime is required for any cleaning services. A business can remain fully operational through any cleaning service.

What Are the Benefits of Green Carpet Cleaning?

KIWI’s dedication to green cleaning requires all our carpet cleaning services to use eco-friendly products and methods. There are many benefits to green commercial carpet cleaning. The most notable advantages include air quality, safety, and environmental responsibility.

Air Quality: The US Environmental Protection Agency has stated that indoor air pollution is up to 10 times more harmful than outdoor air pollution. Any health issue that air pollution causes can easily be the result of poor air quality within a commercial property. Improving air quality for employees and customers, eco-friendly cleaning effectively removes allergens, dirt, and debris from air, furniture, and surfaces.

Safety: Many traditional cleaning products contain harmful ingredients. Bleach, ammonia, and phenol are just a few toxic ingredients often used in cleaning products. Green cleaning products are safe to use, touch, and breath to keep your commercial environment free of toxins.

Environmental Responsibility: Petrol-based cleaning solutions are unhealthy for the planet. Overuse of these types of products is unhealthy. Trading out a single chemical cleaner for a plant-based one reduces pollution and toxicity for both people and the planet.

Why Use Green Carpet Cleaning Services?

Offering cleaning solutions that are both safe and effective, KIWI’s green commercial carpet cleaning services work to effectively clean your business space while reducing the risk of serious health issues and environmental damage. Our popular carpet cleaning solution, CB2, is free from pollutants, chemicals, and allergens. Minimizing the use of chemicals that can irritate skin and cause health issues, CB2 is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) certified. Avoiding offensive chemical smells, CB2 also provides a refreshing, citrusy scent. Get fresh-smelling carpets without using harmful chemicals with KIWI’s green carpet cleaning services.

What Makes Carpet Cleaner Less Harmful?

KIWI’s main carpet cleaner, CB2, is made from natural ingredients. Carpet cleaning companies often employ harsh chemical cleaners that contain toxic ingredients. Without any carcinogens, as classified by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), KIWI’s CB2 is completely biodegradable and water-soluble. CB2 also does not contain any ozone-depleting chemicals (OCDs) or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). CB2 is one of KIWI’s star eco-friendly cleaning solutions, much safer than mainstream cleaners.

Other Green Methods Offered?

Taking our dedication to green commercial carpet cleaning further, our technicians use a dry carpet cleaning method. Gentle on carpet fibers and minimize water usage, our dry method uses cotton bonnets to absorb any liquids used to clean a carpet. With a dry system, no buckets of dirty water or chemicals will be dumped into your septic system. Leading the way and increasing awareness of toxic carpet cleaning products and methods, KIWI is part of a new class of green carpet cleaning companies.

Offering a fully green, eco-friendly approach to commercial carpet cleaning, contact us at KIWI today for an appointment or consultation!

KIWI’s commercial carpet cleaning reviews

Karen H.
5 star rating
“Wonderful! My carpet looks fantastic. Got all the stains out!”

Contact KIWI Today for Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning!

Experience the benefits of green, non-toxic carpet cleaning with KIWI Services. Our eco-friendly methods improve air quality, ensure safety, and promote environmental responsibility. With KIWI, your business can stay fully operational during cleaning without downtime. Enjoy fresh, clean carpets with our biodegradable and water-soluble cleaning solutions. Call us at 800-409-0461 or request a free quote to schedule your eco-friendly carpet cleaning service today. Choose KIWI for a healthier, safer, and greener workspace!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does green carpet cleaning benefit indoor air quality?
Green carpet cleaning significantly improves indoor air quality by using eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products that do not release harmful chemicals into the air. Traditional cleaning agents can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to indoor air pollution. KIWI’s green cleaning methods ensure the air remains clean and free of these pollutants, promoting a healthier environment for employees and customers.

Are eco-friendly carpet cleaning products as effective as traditional ones?
Yes, eco-friendly carpet cleaning products are as effective as traditional ones. KIWI’s green cleaning solutions, such as CB2, are specifically formulated to tackle dirt, stains, and allergens without the use of harsh chemicals. These products not only clean effectively but also protect carpet fibers and maintain their appearance, ensuring long-lasting cleanliness and durability.

What makes KIWI’s green carpet cleaning method unique?
KIWI’s green carpet cleaning method is unique because it uses a dry cleaning technique with cotton bonnets that absorb dirt and moisture. This method is gentle on carpet fibers, reduces water usage, and eliminates the need to dispose of dirty water and chemicals. Additionally, our eco-friendly cleaning solutions are biodegradable and free from harmful toxins, making them safe for both the environment and the people in your commercial space.

Can green carpet cleaning help reduce allergic reactions in the workplace?
Yes, green carpet cleaning can help reduce allergic reactions in the workplace. KIWI’s eco-friendly cleaning products effectively remove allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander from carpets. By avoiding harsh chemicals and using natural ingredients, our cleaning methods minimize the risk of triggering allergies and respiratory issues, creating a healthier work environment.

How does KIWI’s green carpet cleaning contribute to environmental sustainability?
KIWI’s green carpet cleaning contributes to environmental sustainability by using biodegradable, plant-based cleaning solutions and a dry cleaning method that conserves water. Our products do not contain ozone-depleting chemicals or hazardous air pollutants, reducing the overall environmental impact. By choosing KIWI’s eco-friendly services, businesses can lower their carbon footprint and support sustainable cleaning practices.

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