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Join one of the nation’s fastest growing home services companies

Being a KIWI Services homecare technician means providing the best service and highest quality of work possible, each appointment, every day. As your skills develop, KIWI offers cross-training on a wide range of homecare services like carpet repair, upholstery cleaning, air duct cleaning, hardwood floor cleaning & waxing, tile & grout cleaning, and water damage cleanup & repair. As your skills progress, so does your earning potential.

No experience necessary.

Job Requirements:

  • 18 years of age or older
    Able to lift 75 lbs and climb a flight of stairs
    Must have a Truck, Van, or SUV
  • Customer Oriented
  • Willing to learn
  • Self motivated, able to work with little supervision
  • Honest and Reliable
  • Drug-Free
  • Must pass criminal background check

KIWI’s Business Hours:
KIWI schedules appointments starting as early as 8am and as late as 5pm, Monday through Saturday.

Earning Potential:
$800-$1500 per week

Local Area Employment
Epportunity Inquiry Numbers

Dallas/Ft. Worth





214 379-4817

770 428-3444

512 391-3490

602 278-3716

713 595-0490

  • Hidden