
Makeup Brushes: How to Keep Them Clean


Hello again! I have something I must admit, and no it’s not that I burned my iron again, because I did, I rarely wash my makeup brushes. The horror! I even store my makeup brushes with my compacts, powders and other products. I will remedy that problem sometime this week when I make a brush holder from some scrap fabric I have. Yes, my brushes are gross and old. Some have never been washed because they don’t really look or feel nasty, except my foundation brush.

Clean Makeup Brush
You can see how much foundation the brush absorbs and stores in the bristles.
How to Clean Makeup Brushes
You can see how deep the makeup sinks into the brush. I do NOT recommend that you bend your brush bristles like this as it can loosen and deform them.

But here’s the thing, makeup brushes need to be cleaned every week or two to get rid of dirt, old makeup and bacteria. If you don’t then all of that ends up on your perfectly clean face and it can cause acne. Acne=more makeup=dirtier brushes=more acne. All I have to say is clean your makeup brushes every week or so; at least once a month. Cleaning your makeup brushes is super easy and only takes a minute.

Cleaning Makeup Brushes

Step One: Squirt a small amount of mild soap or shampoo into your hand.


Step Two: Wet the makeup brush and lather it up in the soap.


Step Three: Rinse and repeat until water runs clear.


Step Four: Lay flat to dry.

Optional: Disinfect your brush by swirling it in rubbing alcohol or vinegar for one minute then rinse again. Do not soak or submerge the metal part of the brush as this can cause the glue holding the bristles to dissolve.


Clean makeup brushes work much better than dirty one. I’ve noticed after I clean my makeup brushes my foundation goes on smoother, blends better, and I use less. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been two or three months since I’ve cleaned my foundation brush so I’ve been avoiding using it till now. My eye shadow brushes have never been washed. Ever. I always wipe them on my wrist after using them so they’re “clean.” We’ll have to see how the work now that I’ve cleaned them.


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Do you wash your makeup brushes or just buy new ones?

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