How to Keep a Healthy Home with Pets
There’s nothing like the adorable, furry faces that greet us when we get home. Whether you’re a cat or a dog lover, these little creatures bring nothing but happiness when we share our homes with them. It’s estimated that over 62% of American households have pets, and it’s clear that our love for animals runs deep. But with furry creatures comes fur—everywhere.
It may be hard to imagine that the cute little face you love to pet at the end of a long day can actually be contributing to human illness and decreased quality of the air that’s circulating through the house. While pets can increase our oxytocin levels with those cute little puppy dog eyes, they can also make us sick by exposing us to allergens, bacteria, and even (yikes) tapeworms or hookworms. However, hope is not lost! There are plenty of ways to deep clean your home so that we can both enjoy a healthy lifestyle and have those pets we love so much.
Here are a few ways to keep your home healthy—even if you have pets inside of it.
Air Duct Cleaning
You may never paws (sorry, we had to) and think about your air ducts, but there can be a lot of dust, dirt, and bacteria that’s built up in them, and a lot of that may be due to your pets. Clean those air ducts out regularly to get a higher quality of air and eliminate the circulation of dirty air throughout your house.
Carpet Cleaning
You’d be shocked at how much pet hair can accumulate on your carpets. You may vacuum regularly, but pet hair can be matted on top of the carpets and contribute to higher levels of allergens in the home. A deep, professional carpet cleaning service will eliminate all the dog and cat hair in the home as well as get rid of any pet stains that Fido left behind while potty training.
Hardwood Floor Cleaning
There’s nothing worse than seeing a hairball float across your hardwood floors. Although you may think that you’re getting all of the dust by running the Roomba or vacuuming regularly, it’s still important to get your hardwood floors professionally cleaned. Not only will a hardwood floor cleaning get rid of any deep scratches that your pets have put on the floor, but they will also eliminate any bacteria and allergens that have built up slowly on top of your floors.
Have questions about how to schedule a professional cleaning for your home? Call Kiwi Services today to learn more about how we can help keep your home healthy—even with your furry friends running around.
I have two dogs at home, therefore cleaning routine is the must. Moreover, my daughter has an allergy because of pet dander, so, we need to pay attention to this even more. My husband bought an air purifier a few months ago and it helps a lot! This device cleans the air at home perfectly and removes dust, pet dander, and other allergens quickly! I am so happy now and don’t need to clean the house every single day. Recommend everyone to try, it will ease your life:)