
How to Get Rid of Pet Odor Smell Out of the Carpet

We love our pets like family, but they can create just as big of a mess as any of the humans in the household—sometimes even more so. One of the most common messes that a pet can make is having an accident on the carpet. But even if you step quickly into action and clean it right away, the odor and bacteria can seep into the carpet fibers and even the pad, making your house have a slight smell to it.

So, how do you get rid of pet odor for good? Let’s go over some of our best tips—plus, information on getting your carpets professionally cleaned.

When an Accident First Happens

When your pet first has an accident on the carpet, the first thing you should do is get rid of the excess liquids and solids. Pick up any pieces with a paper towel and blot the area until it feels dry to the touch.

After the spot is as dry as you can get it, you’ll then need to apply a cleaning solution to get rid of the odor and bacteria as best you can. There are a variety of pet and odor cleaning products on the market, but one of the simplest solutions to use is just a dab of eco-friendly dish soap and water on a microfiber towel. Dab on the spot until you can no longer smell any foul odors and wait for it to dry.

When You Just Notice an Accident

If you’ve ever potty trained a new puppy, you know how frustrating it can be to think that you’re doing well—only to find a wet spot on the carpet you didn’t realize you had. When you find a spot, try to soak up any excess liquid with a paper towel and then sprinkle some baking soda over the spot and leave overnight. After sitting overnight, spray the area with some distilled white vinegar to eliminate bacteria.

Professional Carpet Cleaning and Odor Elimination

Even if you attend to your pet stains and odors right away, it’s still important that you follow up with a professional carpet cleaning and carpet odor removal with an expert technician. The reason? Pet urine has the sneaky ability to soak into the carpet padding and possibly even the subfloor beneath it, which can make getting rid of pet odors on the surface level of your carpet impossible.

At Kiwi Services, we have been cleaning carpets for over 30 years, and we offer a comprehensive pet odor removal service, which involves using a carpet pet odor elimination injection and a germicidal rinse to remove bacteria and get your carpets smelling fresh once again. If the pet odors are especially damaging, your Kiwi Services technician can also replace the carpet padding, wash the floor beneath, and sanitize and seal it up to eliminate odors.

Want more information on Kiwi’s pet stain and odor removal services? Give us a call today for a free quote and to schedule a service!