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KIWI’s Carpet Cleaning Videos

KIWI carpet cleaning commercials are more than quirky; they are clever, cute, and filled with KIWI lovers just like you. If that isn’t enough to spark your curiosity…did we mention the part where you save money? It’s true. Just think of all the fun things you can do with the time and money saved by calling KIWI.

From hiring your own Pool Boy for a little fun in the sun to saving up for the holidays, KIWI has the solutions you need for clean savings. Learn how to save big and sign-up for your very own $8 per room carpet cleaning on all return visits while enjoying the same great green eco-friendly solutions you have come to know and trust. Find out for yourself why KIWI is making a clean sweep of the competition in homes across the nation – but start by viewing one of our fun carpet cleaner videos to learn how to receive a deep discount on your first appointment!

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