How to Keep the Shower Clean
I don’t always clean the shower as often as I should, but I have a new trick up my sleeve to lessen the guilt.
My tip originates from that one time when I cleaned the stove, well more like made it shiny and goo repellent. We like using bar soap and have found a brand that doesn’t leave nearly as much as build up as others, so my tip to keep the shower clean is:
Yup! An application of car wax to your shower walls will definitely help keep it cleaner. This is also especially nice if you have hard water because if you apply some to your faucet too, it’ll help stop hard water stains in their tracks.
Just like in my tutorial for the stove, wet the sponge and apply a thin layer of the wax over the shower walls. Let the wax dry and wipe off the extra with a terry cloth.
I also squeegee my walls from time to time after and the wax makes the water come right off! Now you can feel less guilty with this easy tip to keep the shower clean.
Happy cleaning!
What are your tips to keep the shower clean?
Best way is to wipe it down each time it is used….only takes a couple of mins. and well worth it….you have to clean it less….when my 2 kids were home, of course they would not wipe shower down… they would take their showers first, then I took mine and wiped it down and then I had to clean it less… works, once you let the soap dry on the shower it is harder to keep clean, so by wiping down after each use, of course you clean it less…..I take a shower every day and I wipe it down every day and I clean it way less……there is nothing to build up on the walls…. the wax looks like it will help too, so people with a lot of shower takers it may pay them to use it, but for myself I just keep it clean by wiping it down each time….I keep 2 microfiber cloths in shower and use those every day to wipe shower walls and wipe tub down….:) try it you will see…..
Have to agree with you. Wiping it down after use is a lot easier and takes not time at all.
Great tip! Okay I’ll have to try this. I have no good tips and live in a house with three boys so needless to say our shower is GROSS 🙂
I have found that Magic Erasers ( I use their generic equivalent) are wonderful for removing soap scum from chrome and glass shower doors!
Great article …Thanks for your great information, the contents are quite interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.